Source code for calabash.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

from calabash.pipeline import pipe

[docs]def echo(item): """ Yield a single item. Equivalent to ``iter([item])``, but nicer-looking. >>> list(echo(1)) [1] >>> list(echo('hello')) ['hello'] """ yield item
[docs]def cat(*args, **kwargs): r""" Read a file. Passes directly through to a call to `open()`. >>> src_file = __file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') >>> for line in cat(src_file): ... if line.startswith('def cat'): ... print repr(line) 'def cat(*args, **kwargs):\n' """ return iter(open(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]def curl(url): """ Fetch a URL, yielding output line-by-line. >>> UNLICENSE = '' >>> for line in curl(UNLICENSE): # doctest: +SKIP ... print line, This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. ... """ import urllib2 conn = urllib2.urlopen(url) try: line = conn.readline() while line: yield line line = conn.readline() finally: conn.close()
[docs]def grep(stdin, pattern_src): """ Filter strings on stdin for the given regex (uses :func:``). >>> list(iter(['cat', 'cabbage', 'conundrum', 'cathedral']) | grep(r'^ca')) ['cat', 'cabbage', 'cathedral'] """ pattern = re.compile(pattern_src) for line in stdin: if yield line
[docs]def sed(stdin, pattern_src, replacement, exclusive=False): """ Apply :func:`re.sub` to each line on stdin with the given pattern/repl. >>> list(iter(['cat', 'cabbage']) | sed(r'^ca', 'fu')) ['fut', 'fubbage'] Upon encountering a non-matching line of input, :func:`sed` will pass it through as-is. If you want to change this behaviour to only yield lines which match the given pattern, pass `exclusive=True`:: >>> list(iter(['cat', 'nomatch']) | sed(r'^ca', 'fu')) ['fut', 'nomatch'] >>> list(iter(['cat', 'nomatch']) | sed(r'^ca', 'fu', exclusive=True)) ['fut'] """ pattern = re.compile(pattern_src) for line in stdin: match = if match: yield (line[:match.start()] + match.expand(replacement) + line[match.end():]) elif not exclusive: yield line
[docs]def pretty_printer(stdin, **kwargs): """ Pretty print each item on stdin and pass it straight through. >>> for item in iter([{'a': 1}, ['b', 'c', 3]]) | pretty_printer(): ... pass {'a': 1} ['b', 'c', 3] """ import pprint for item in stdin: pprint.pprint(item, **kwargs) yield item
[docs]def map(stdin, func): """ Map each item on stdin through the given function. >>> list(xrange(5) | map(lambda x: x + 2)) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] """ for item in stdin: yield func(item)
[docs]def filter(stdin, predicate): """ Only pass through items for which `predicate(item)` is truthy. >>> list(xrange(5) | filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)) [0, 2, 4] """ for item in stdin: if predicate(item): yield item
[docs]def sh(stdin, command=None, check_success=False): r""" Run a shell command, send it input, and produce its output. >>> print ''.join(echo("h\ne\nl\nl\no") | sh('sort -u')) e h l o <BLANKLINE> >>> for line in sh('echo Hello World'): ... print line, Hello World >>> for line in sh('false', check_success=True): ... print line, # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... CalledProcessError: Command '['false']' returned non-zero exit status 1 """ import subprocess import shlex if command is None: stdin, command = (), stdin if isinstance(command, basestring): command = shlex.split(command) pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: for line in stdin: pipe.stdin.write(line) pipe.stdin.close() for line in pipe.stdout: yield line finally: result = pipe.wait() if check_success and result != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(result, command)

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